Thursday, 9 July 2009


I got sick of the mirror screen protector, it looks good and it mostly works but in bright light, such as outside, it's just too hard to see the screen, so I decided to try another...

InvisibleShield by Zagg was worth a look...
I got the full kit as shown here and it covers pretty much every millimetre of your phones exposed surface, taking the time to fit it carefully means it's a really remarkable fit and the website makes claims of it being megatough, which is nice...

It's shiny gloss finish means that I didn't use the screen protector sheet, after having reflection issues with the mirror screen I've ordered a matt screen protector, which is taking a long time to get here and I'll grumble about that when I post about it when it does arrive.
Also it makes the matt rear-cover of the phone shiny, flip up your screen, you see the black keyboard plate? thats the finish you'll have everywhere after fitting this kit. I wasn't sure about it at first but I really like it.
The only problem is that the phone isn't quite so easy to slide in and out of my leather belt pouch which looks as if it may, in time, cause one of the edges/corners of the protector to peel. time will tell on that.

I also noticed today that there is a warning on the Zagg website that 'removal of the invisibleSHIELD from painted surfaces can lead to the paint peeling.' and the G1 is a white case painted black, or so it seemed when I saw an autopsy of a G1 online.

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