However compared with other devices with similar features it's not that bad, but I like to make full use of my hardware and I need it to last.
I was away working for 2 full (long) days recently and the battery made it through the full 15 or so hours of light use with still some life left, overnight charge in between (6 hours or so) and it lasted well.
However I also went out for a days intensive use as I was using the GPS alot to find the locations I had to shoot, as well as phone calls and alot of SMS, quite an intensive few hours and the battery went from 100% to 20% in 8 hours, acceptable but if I'd been out for longer, or a couple of days, i'd have been a problem. and I am often away for a few days with little access to power.
One way to deal with this is a USB charger, I have one that takes 4xAA or AAA batteries, I keep rechargeables in it (4x 2700mAh AA's) and it stays plugged into my PC's USB keeping them topped-up until I need them, then when I'm travelling a stationary-period such as an hour on a train I can connect my G1 and top-up the battery. A solution but not ideal.
So specifically for the G1 I have bought, 3 spare G1 batteries, a desktop cradle charger and a little pouch to carry the batteries around in. (the below photo taken from the sellers ebay listing where I bought it).

The cradle charger came from HERE (£18.44 including a battery, including delivery).
The other two batteries came from HERE (£6.04 for two, including delivery).
The pouch came from HERE (£3.99 including delivery).

Totalling £28.47 I can charge both my phone and the spare batteries on my desktop and I have around 4 days of use with me when I go out, longer if I'm not using the phone much.
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