Wednesday, 5 August 2009

App Review: 3G Watchdog

3G watchdog,
which does a similar job to Netcounter, which I'm no longer using (nothing wrong
with it, I just now prefer 3G Watchdogs way of working). It sits in the
notification bar with a simple Icon and bar which changes form green to amber to
red depending on the data you have pushed through your 3G and EDGE, if you don't
have an unlimited data plan then you need something like this to help avoid
extra fees. The thing I like about this is it's information, you can set your
maximum data allowance, cycle (monthly etc), start date, and it monitors it
warning via an icon if you are using alot, tap the icon and you can find out how
much you have used (in % and MB), and it tells you how much you will have used
by your set date if you continue at the current useage rate, so you can see if
you're overdoing it as you go along. It's also free, I like it, I'm keeping it.

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