I've called this 'MarksTheme' because I'm Mark, and I made most of this theme.
I say 'most' because I took some from Enoch and EnochX, some from m_blend (loving the red), and added a load of my own Icons.
The wallpaper you see in the screenshots isn't included, it's one of my photographs (I do that kind of photography for a living).
Credits to the makers of both, particularly Enoch and EnochX which got me started :)
I will update this to whatever version of cyanogen ROM I happen to be using, if you want to use it with another version you can strip the icons out of the zip file and put them into a template or another theme made for another version of the ROM.
I will also tweak and play with this version whenever the mood takes me and time allows.
This theme uses the standard launcher with 5 screens, I found the advanced launcher still a bit laggy.
Download HERE